What Your Membership Includes:

Psycho-Spiritual Courses - Live Classes - Support

Your Teacher!

Dr. Marwa Assar

Dr. Marwa Assar is a psychologist, psycho-spiritual teacher, and founder of The H.O.M.E Institute! She specializes in heart-centered psycho-spiritual wellness through an Islamic psychological lens. Dr. Marwa utilizes her 10+ years of studies in psychology, her studies of Islam, her diverse and extensive clinical training and experience as a therapist, and her explorations and research in navigating the merging of Islam and psychology to bring you the courses, programs, and retreats that will empower you not only spiritually, but also mentally, and emotionally! 

Your Psycho-Spiritual Courses 👇


Your H.O.M.E Memberships Also Includes......

  • Monthly LIVE Support (H.O.M.E Q&As) | [⏰Offered the first Sunday of every month at 12 pm EST (U.S Eastern Time)]

    Get access to our monthly LIVE Q&As at The H.O.M.E Institute's Online School with Dr. Marwa Assar, and receive answers to your questions and gain the support you need as you learn!

  • Access to The Holistic Wellness Classroom | Monthly LIVE Classes

    The HW Classroom gives you monthly LIVE Classes with a new instructor each month on a topic that empowers you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and even physically, and rooted in Islamic teachings! With your membership, you get immediate access to all our past classes!

  • Guided Meditation: Cultivating a Present Heart

    Listen daily or weekly to Dr. Marwa's guided meditation on cultivating a heart that is more present with everything God put infront of you!

  • FREE BONUS: Monthly Tazkiyah Circles (Halaqas) [⏰Offered LAST Sunday of Every Month at 12 pm EST)

    Join our private Tazkiyah (purification of the heart) circle, a monthly space for your heart with Ustadh Hassan Elwan, Dr. Marwa, and other students in The H.O.M.E Tribe!  Learn the Islamic knowledge and tools that will help you renew and purify your heart, your relationship with God, and fuel your spiritual growth!

  • Join our H.O.M.E. Tribe!

    Get Life-Time Access to our Private FB Group!

What Our Students Have Said:



"Dr. Marwa's courses were enlightening and insightful as they provided important information about personal growth from both a modern psychology and traditional Islamic perspective - therefore combining the best of both worlds. I would recommend the courses for those looking to grow spiritually and emotionally"


H.O.M.E. Student

"This is something every Muslim should access, not only for themselves but for their families too. It is a powerful piece of learning."


Conquering Codependency Student

“Thank you for putting this program together. This program is putting into words struggles I have had for many years but never knew how to make sense of it, yet alone know how to take actual steps to conquer these struggles!”



"As Dr. Marwa says, it is a journey. For me personally, it was a journey that began with concepts and perspectives I had never before heard or understood. These connected me so quickly but so deeply with a faith that I knew was in my heart, felt was in my heart, but was clouded by my mind and disconnection from my heart. This, in turn, reconnected me to God in a way that was, again, so limited by my mind beyond my own awareness before. I am looking forward to the rest of this journey, and am forever grateful for this guidance."


Conquering Codependency Student

“Thank you for explaining codependency so deeply. I spent a lot of time in my life hating myself because I could not understand why I was so needy, and now I am gaining so much awareness about why and how I approach my relationships.”


Sacred Self-Love Student

"What I didn’t realize is that that only through this sacred self-love could I overcome the spiritual barriers and obstacles that were preventing me from progressing unto Him (God).  It was Dr. Marwa Assar who helped me synthesize the connection between the two at her “Sacred Self-Love” workshop and it was she who provided me the missing link or key I felt was so vitally needed for my spiritual growth.  She taught me the relationship between the heart, mind and ego, how each one served an important role and how each was created within us with a great purpose and wisdom. " 


Conquering Codependency

“I already feel myself more able to identify my emotional needs and face my fear of putting boundaries and communicating my needs! I am so grateful for this program!”


Conquering Codependency Student

“This program is helping me realize how much I have been neglecting and abandoning myself for so many years! And now I am starting to reconnect with myself and it feels great!”


Sacred Self-Love Student

"Dr. Marwa's self love course was truly amazing! This was pretty much my first time delving into this issue of self love, let alone it being from an Islamic perspective. I was truly amazed by the content and discussions. Subhanallah after this course I got to look at a lot of the ayaat (verses), ahadeeth (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), Arabic words, and Allah's (God's) names from a totally different perspective and picture. It was such a heart warming course, I learned soooo many new things alhamdulilah. Dr. Marwa is so passionate about this topic that you can truly feel it in the way she's teaching the course and explaining it to us. She's really knows what she's talking about and did an amazing job shedding light on this issue. She's done amazing research and analysis to back up all the points she discusses. Definitely take the course u will love it!"


Sacred Self-Love Student

"Experiencing a whole new level of sacred self-love in my life: The Self-love course by Dr. Marwa Assar answered my questions about learning to love myself through Allah and directed me to remove false beliefs about loving myself by helping me to renew my understanding that heart can help to connect to Allah and the mind is there to serve the heart and ego must be tamed as it is not meant to the king of our being and it contains the lower drives. Super happy and excited. Experiencing a whole new level of bliss in my life."

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Save the Most By Getting Life-Time Access to Our Online School!

Get A 1 YEAR H.O.M.E Membership with Registration to A Membership in The God & Me Program!

Invest in The Highest Level of Transformation Offered At The H.O.M.E Institute!

The God & Me Program is a 21-week Psycho-Spiritual Transformation Program, The Most Comprehensive & Long Term Program At The H.O.M.E Institute! Maximize Your Investment By Registering For A Diamond Membership in The God & Me Program & Get 1 Year  to The  H.O.M.E Membership!

Click Here to Learn More About The God & Me Program!

Make this the Year You Invest In Yourself, Your Wellness, & Your Overall Growth!

If not now, then when?

Get started now